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Living Gate: il video di "To Cut Off the Head of the Snake"

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Come precedentemente annunciato, i death metallers belgi-statunitensi Living Gate - band che vede in formazione Aaron Rieseberg (YOB), Lennart Bossu (Oathbreaker, Amenra), Wim Coppers (Oathbreaker, Wiegedood) e Levy Seynaeve (Wiegedood) - pubblicheranno il primo album "Suffer as One" il 25 ottobre 2024 su Relapse Records.

Di seguito il video del nuovo singolo "To Cut Off the Head of the Snake": https://youtu.be/q0JuI6t63TQ

Qui il primo singolo "Hunting Maggots": https://youtu.be/z-5OtQ7IVGs

Pre-ordini all'indirizzo http://bit.ly/livinggate-sufferasone nei formati:
- CD Jewel Case
- LP Neon Violet & Bone White Galaxy Effect Merge Vinyl (1323 copies)
- LP Violet & Translucent Gold Half 'n Half w/ Black, Violet & Hot Pink Splatters Vinyl (Splatters only on Translucent Gold half) (229 copies) *Relapse.com Exclusive*
- LP Custom Marbled Vinyl (137 copies) *Relapse.com Exclusive*
- Digital Album

1. To Cut Off The Head Of The Snake
2. Internal Decomposition
3. Destroy and Consume
4. A Unified Soul
5. Massive Depletion in Eb Minor
6. Suffer As One
7. Ones and Zeroes 
8. Hunting Maggots
9. Atoms and Particles
10. Overcome, Overthrow
11. CQC

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 24 Settembre 2024 18:43
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