Di seguito il video di "Impii Hora" dei deathsters Asinhell - band di Michael Poulsen dei Volbeat -, title-track del debut album uscito lo scorso anno su Metal Blade Records: https://youtu.be/6m31GJmsdbg
Altro su "Impii Hora":
"Fall of the Loyal Warrior" (Official Video): https://youtu.be/renC9qBzKZQ
"Island of Dead Men" (Official Lyric Video): https://youtu.be/eQHV5kZrZJs
"Desert of Doom" (Official Lyric Video): https://youtu.be/eTKqYZN0Uno
"Wolfpack Laws" (Official Video): https://youtu.be/QlvyoHO_3SA
"Pyromantic Scryer" (Official Video): https://youtu.be/h9ttwJTq1pk